Tuesday, November 5, 2013


我不说任何东西并不代表我不介意。 我生气一定是有原因的,但到头来好像是我无理取闹一样。我先认错并不代表你没有错,只是我累了,我不想再吵了。 可是你还是一张臭面。 你最近跟你的武术学弟走的很近吗,看了都讨厌!!!在我眼里,你就是喜欢人家把你看得很厉害吗,就是喜欢有人追求吗。是。。。你最好看,你最厉害,我都觉得我实在是配不上你呢,连菜都不会买, 对吧?。 你渐渐有了知己的朋友,有了知己的节目。我总是跟着你的步伐过我的人生。曾经为你去学武术,和你一起学瑜伽。认识你之后,我的人生就仿佛变成你的人生了,我已无法摆脱。 我还能活出我知己吗? 心情不好,没有多加修复我的内容以词语。有一点都不知道知己要写些什么。。

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Its been a long time.

It's been a long time I didn't back to here. At first I created this blog is to let me to write some unhappy thing here to release my negative thinking. I back to here again which also means that, I am suffering now again... I start to feel lost and hopeless in my life, in my future life. I don't know what had I done for the past, whats the purpose to do so on my past. And I am thinking what I need to do at current, and what I am looking for in future. Perhaps I need to learn more during my past, not the knowledge for my course, but the extra from noway. I am nothing now, I don't have any hobbies, no talent, no saving, no planning , no future. People told me it is normal when you near 30 years old. But it is also a fact that people need to facing to. Problems arise , somehow need to find a solution to solve it, isn't it. Don't tell me that I just need to wait and see, after 30 then you will clear. For me, the problem it just not being solved. I clearly know that, I need a plan, I need a target, I want my bright future. And I need help also.. By Terry